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All About Root Canals

Frequently asked questions about root canal treatments.

Why do people need root canal therapy?
Root canal therapy saves the structure of a tooth when the pulp inside it is infected or swollen.

If your dentist recommends a root canal, it’s best to have it as soon as possible. Waiting too long can make the infection worse. Infection in one tooth can also spread to the other teeth.

The infection can cause problems with the bone that holds the tooth. When that happens, it might be impossible to save the tooth. It’s always better to save a tooth than to lose one. When you lose a tooth, surrounding teeth can become crooked and cause problems with your bite.

What is a root canal therapy?
The dentist removes damaged tissues from inside the tooth and then adds permanent dental filling to the space left behind. Then the dentist puts a temporary cap on the tooth. The cap protects your tooth while your permanent crown gets made. The dentist replaces the cap with your permanent crown during your return visit.

What are signs of root canal problems?
When a tooth is sensitive to hot or cold, sharp pain when biting or tapping the tooth, or a toothache that won’t go away.

What should I do after a root canal?
Brush and floss your teeth every day and avoid chewing hard foods on that tooth until your permanent crown is on. See your dentist every six months, because preventing decay is the best way to protect your teeth.

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