Increasing Diversity in the Dental Field is Key to Solving Our Workforce Crisis
It may be surprising that a lack of Hispanic representation in the dental field compounds barriers to care among this already underserved population.

“All you need is an open mind.” A Dental Student’s Vision for I/DD Inclusive Dentistry
Gabby’s passion for I/DD care is as infectious and inspiring as it is informative.

Oral Health Care Tips for Treating Senior Patients
Preventive oral health care is a critical component of overall health at any age. There’s a common misconception that the need for oral health care lessens as people get older.

Improve Patient Communications With Motivational Interviewing
Why is improving your patient communication skills important?

Dealing With an Unhappy Dental Patient
If you work with people long enough, at some point you’ll come across an unhappy dental patient who is angry, upset or frustrated.

Tips Any Dentist Can Use When Caring for Patients With Intellectual And Developmental Disabilities
Jacob Dent, DDS, has dedicated his professional career to learning and teaching about the oral health needs of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD).

Partner Spotlight — Dr. Winifred Booker on Highchair Dental Care
At DentaQuest, we are committed to improving oral health care for all — from infants to elders.